Nursing from Saxion University

Mahasiswa Keperawatan dari Saxion University Belanda mengikuti pembelajaran selama 3 Bulan di Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Mahasiswi tersebut yaitu : Anne te Nÿenhuis, Femke Ersink, Judith Bouwmester, Kim Vrielink, Lindsay Geurlink, Syl Rouwendal, Nadine van Buren, dan Sanne te Veldhuis. Mereka akan melaksanakan praktek lapangan di rumah sakit mitra UNISA Yogya.
Kegiatan diawali dengan sambutan kedatangan Opening Ceremony dari Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta dengan dihadari oleh perceptor Rumah Sakit mitra UNISA yang nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai lahan praktik. Kegiatan praktik yang akan dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa Saxion University Belanda dibidang keperawatan yaitu pada pembelajaran stase Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Keperawatan Anak, Keperawatan Maternitas dan Keperawatan Jiwa.

Kompetensi yang didapatkan dari masing-masing stase yaitu:

Keperawatan Medikal Bedah

  1. Cardiovaskular Inspection
  2. Lung Examination
  3. Colostomic Care
  4. Decubitus Treatment
  5. Examination of Tactile Sensation
  6. Examination of tricep Reflex and Examination of Platella Reflex
  7. Oxygen Therapy

Keperawatan Jiwa

  1. The concept of healthy mental illness,
  2. Practical guidelines for the diagnosis of mental disorders
  3. Basic concepts and classification of  psychiatric disorders: enforcement of psychiatric diagnoses ad multiaxial diagnosis systems
  4. Different types of mental disorders and their psychodynamics: schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, mood disorders and affection, somatoform disorders, personality disorders, organic mental disorders, neurotic disorders, mental disorders
  5. Nursing care mental helath problems in crisis, acute, maintenance and community

Keperawatan Anak

  1. Conducting physical examination
  2. Conducting anthropometric measurement
  3. Installing infusion
  4. Giving IV, IM medicine, giving basic immunization to children, Doing anticipatory guidance
  5. Sucking mucus, bathing the baby
  6. Chest physiotherapy, teaching to massage baby, rays therapy
  7. Doing postural drainage, tepid water sponge, colons flolling, RJP, doing examination
  8. Inhalation/Nebulizer therapy, Installing NGT
  9. Taking vena blood, capacary blood, artery blood
  10. Denver II examination, making early detection of development with the 2006 health office guidelines
  11. Religious guidance

Keperawatan Maternitas

  1. Prenatal cepalocaudal assessment
  2. Obstetri assessment, Leopold assessment
  3. Counting of fetus heart rates
  4. TFU assesment, Identification of gestational age, identification of fetus weight, identification of estimated delivery laboratorium monitoring
  5. Health education on nutrition of pregnancy, health education of caring morning sikness, health education of breast care during pregnancy, helath education of pregnancy exercise
  6. Helping normal labor, labor pain management, assesment score APGAR, Assessment of placenta
  7. Management of KALA III, Assesment post partum, breast care
  8. Lactation management, Caring of post secsio cesaria, conselling of family planning

Kegiatan ini sebagai bentuk kerjasama Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta dengan Saxion University yang terus mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang kesehatan utamanya pada kesempatan kali ini tentang keperawatan.

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